Month: May 2015

Week 86: Naan Pizza

A really quick recipe, but I don’t know how I’ve managed without a it all my life.  I like pizza, my favourites are from pizza express, but buying ones to cook at home are a bit hit and miss, and I’ve always shied away from making my own… Until now!


Week 85: Chicken with Katsu Sauce

I might have mentioned it once or twice, I am a man with a very small kitchen. Sometimes I come across recipes that I just don’t have the space to make (for example, everything from Jamie’s 15 minute meals), without a bit of planning this is one such recipe.  Lisa Faulkner’s ‘Recipes from my Mother for my Daughter’ is my lovers go to book, mostly for cake and staring, but this is the first time I’ve used it.  I was intrigued about Katsu sauce, I’d never heard of it before and it sounded tasty.


Week 84: Courgette Frittatas

Ladies and Gentlemen, my first frittata! Well actually it’s not. I thought it would be until I got further down the instructions and found that this recipe is seemingly for a load of mini frittatas. This recipe is from the good granny cookbook, so there are no pictures to aim at – but I’d seen one once in the staff canteen so I knew I should be aiming for a sort of greenish wobbly discus.  Can you tell I let my lover choose this weeks recipe?


Week 83: Egg Stuffed Tomatoes

I genuinely love the book, right from the moment I first found it in TK Maxx in 2012. It’s so well presented, and inventive, and all the dishes look delicious. Other than an unsuccessful batch of scones I’ve never actually cooked anything, until now.


Week 82: Corned Beef & Onion Pie

I have been threatening to make a pie for years, long before I started teaching myself to cook on this blog.  Not counting that quiche or the flan I threw together last year – or my world famous indestructible mince pies – this is my first ever proper pie.  My pie-ginity.
