Everyone Else’s Dinner

Trying everyone else’s dinner – part 1

A Wednesday post! What’s going on? It’s a shiny new occasional feature for New Recipe Night – it’s got that new feature smell, and this week that smell is peanut.

Don’t you just hate it when you’re out for dinner and someone you’re with leans over and tries something from your plate without asking, and you’re too polite to jab them with your fork… well this is a little like this but I’m using the power of the internet rather than ambushing your dinner off your actual plate.

For a while now I’ve been reading everyone’s food blogs, salivating at the lovely looking meals and book-marked them to try later. And then I didn’t really know what to do next, until the other week when Ngan posted a brilliant post where she cooked food from other peoples blogs (with really cool pictures: check it out http://ngansequitur.com/2014/08/14/cooking-my-way-around-the-web/ ) and it got me thinking – new feature time!

The first recipe I properly tried from someone else’s blog was Dewi’s delicious overnight oats ( http://boycancook.wordpress.com/2014/06/08/blueberry-and-vanilla-overnight-oats/ ) and while it got my lover very excitedly eating oats for the first time ever, he can’t work a camera until well after breakfast time – so not the best contender for a shiny new post – but check out the overnight oats, they’re delicious!

Tonight I had some spare bacon (which never happens) and I had a blog page open (which has been open for a month on my iPad browser thing) and I put two and two together and made dinner 🙂

The recipe I had open is from the brilliant Put Your Cake Pants On blog and is for Spicy Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers (http://putonyourcakepants.wordpress.com/2014/06/21/spicy-peanut-butter-bacon-cheeseburgers/ ) which have been making me drool a little every time I’ve clicked on that tab.


I pretty much followed the recipe, but with slightly altered proportions to take into account the size of packs of minced turkey for sale in England (1lb is roughly 450g and everything’s sold in 250 or 500g packs) and then shrank everything to just cook for me and him. Other than not covering my pan when I warmed the cheese, and using pig bacon rather that turkey bacon, I made it exactly as instructed on the blog.

Absolutely delicious! Brilliant alternative to beef for burger night, something I’ve been searching for since my disastrous attempt at vegetable cutlets (https://newrecipenight.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/week-10-vegetable-cutlets/ ) – I’ve been instructed to make it again, but with slightly less peanut butter and slightly more chilli… Sir likes his lips to tingle.


Another bonus of these burgers is that with one 500g pack of minced turkey I can use half for the burgers, and half for the Keema from week 29 (which I make all the time time https://newrecipenight.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/week-29-korean-keema/ ) – hurrah!

Check out Cakepants blog, and give these burgers a try 🙂